Oracle DBA Interview Question (part-1)
1) What is the Redo Log Files?
The essential capacity of the re-try log is to record all progressions made to the information. In the event that a disappointment keeps altered information from being for all time written to the datafiles, at that point the progressions can be gotten from the re-try log, so work is never lost.
2) What is Archive Log Files?
Oracle naturally documents log records when the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. This keeps prophet from overwriting the re-try log records before they have been securely filed to another area.
3) What is Parameter Files (initSID.ora)
Parameter records contain a rundown of design parameters for that occasion and database.
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4) What is an outline?
A client record and its related information including tables, see, lists, groups, sequences, procedures, capacities, triggers, packages and database joins is known as Oracle outline. The framework, SCOTT and so forth are default schemas. We can make another Schema/User. However, we can’t drop the default database schemas.
5) What is information squares?
Data Blocks are the base unit of coherent database space. Every datum square speaks to a particular number of bytes of database space on a disk. The data blocks can be 4K,8 K estimate contingent upon the necessity.
6) What is an Extent ?
Extent is an accumulation of Continuous information squares, which is utilized for putting away a particular sort of data.
7) What is a Segment ?
A portion is a gathering of degrees which is utilized for putting away a particular information structure and dwells in the equivalent tablespace.
8) What is Rollback Segment ?
Database contain at least one Rollback Segments to move back exchanges and information recuperation.
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