What is DevOps
DevOps is the combination of two words one is the software development and another one is operations. Basically, DevOps is the single term that able to handle the entire application lifecycle, from development to testing, deployment, and operations.DevOps helps you to reduce the disconnection between software developers, quality assurance(QA) engineers, and system administrators.
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DevOps contain various tools that are git, ansible, docker, puppet, Jenkins, chef.DevOps helps the combination of development and operation teams to deploy code faster in an automated and repeatable way.DevOps helps in increasing planning speed to deliver applications and services.DevOps also be defined as a sequence of development and its operations with better communication.DevOps is nothing but the practice of making “developers” and “operations” people work together.DevOps is all about the combination of development and operation processes. The organization that has taken DevOps noticed a 22% improvement software quality and 17% taken as software deployment and a 22% hike in customer satisfaction.
Why DevOps??
The operation and development team worked in complete isolation. After the design-build, the testing and deployment performed simultaneously. without using DevOps team members are using a large amount of time for testing and designing the project.
DevOps lifecycle
The life cycle of DevOps will contain the different stages in the DevOps application development.
The following is shows about the life cycle of DevOps:
The stages in the DevOps life cycle is 1.Continuous development
2. Continuous Integration
3. Continuous Testing
4. Continuous Monitoring
5. Continuous Feedback
6. Continuous deployment
7. Continuous operations
Continuous development: This is the first phase in the DevOps life cycle. This phase involves the coding and planning the software. The view of the project decided at the time of the planning phase. And the developers start developing the code for the application. There several tools for maintaining the code, but there are no tools for planning.
Continuous integration: The second stage in the DevOps Life cycle is Continuous Integration.it is the heart of the DevOps life cycle. It is a software development process in which the developers require to commit changes to the Source code more frequently. This change may be done daily or weekly. Then every commit is built, and they detect early detection of problems if they present. This building code is not only involved in compilation but also involved in unit testing, integration testing, code review, and packing.
The code supports new functionality is continuously integrated with existing code. Therefore there is a continuous development of the software.
This continuous integration involves the following stages that reflect changes to the end-users.
Continuous Testing: This the third step involved in the DevOps life cycle.in this stage, the developed software continuously going to testing the bugs. For continuous testing, automation testing tools such as Testing, Junit, Selenium, etc are used. These tools allow the quality analyst to test multiple code-bases simultaneously.in this phase to test the code environment we use the docker container.
Continuous Monitoring: Continuous Monitoring is fourth Phase-in the DevOps Lifecycle, which involves all the operations of the entire DevOps life cycle. The monitoring is integrated with the operational potential of software applications.
The system errors such as server not reachable, low memory, etc are solved in this phase. It maintains the security and availability of the service.
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Continuous Feedback: The application development frequently improved by analyzing the results from the operations of the software. This is executed by placing the critical phase of constant feedback between operations and the development of the upcoming version of the current software.
Continuous Deployment: In this phase, the code is utilized for the production server. And also it is necessary to ensure that the code is currently used on all servers.
Continuous Operation: It is the final phase in the DevOps life cycle. All the DevOps operations based on the continuity with the complete operation of the release process and allow the organization to speed overall time to market continuingly.
By using DevOps we can make any software product more efficient and increase the overall count of increase the developers in an application.