What is ReactJS?

Nanduri Balajee
4 min readJul 8, 2019


As days pass on, number the internet users were increasing in an exponential manner. And when the thing is unknown to the people, people use to google it instantly. Since there are multiple websites on the website, people use to pick the website/ application that is more easy and quick to respond to user interactions. So if you want to be a top among the many websites across the globe, you must develop the website that is user-friendly to the user

So would you like to develop a website that is user-friendly? then enroll for ReactJS Training

So do you know what makes the best UI developer?

Many frameworks are responsible for developing responsive web design. And most of the frameworks use the JavaScript Libraries. So now let have a look regarding the

Advantages of JAVA Script Libraries

Efficiency :

JAVAScript contains a rich set of libraries. Since all the function were predefined by the library it is very easy and efficient for the developer to application. With the support of this in-built framework, the project which would take months can now complete it within a few days. So it finally reduces the burden to the developer and increases the efficiency of the application.


Since JAVA Script is an open-source framework, its top framework has strong security arrangements. So the members in this community will also sometimes acts testers. Since a tester group is present in the community, its a challenging tasks for the cybers to hack the data. And it finally provides better security at low cost.

Cost Reduction:

Since the JAVA Script is an open source library, the application can be built at a low cost when compared to the application developed in other environments.

Today we have many frameworks that built using JavaScript. But among those many frameworks that can be built using JavaScript, ReactJS is trending font-end framework today.

What is ReactJS?

React is a component-based library used to develop interactive user interfaces. This is currently the trending JavaScript framework which has the large libraries and has a large community for support.

Learn ReactJS from the real-time experts

So as of now, we have seen ReactJS definition, and now we will see

What is the need for ReactJS?

So to get the need for ReactJs, let us look at the following scenario.

In React, everything is a component. All the components were combined together to build an application. Moreover, each component is independent of other applications. So we can change each component at any time as per your requirement. Moreover, whenever a small change was happening in the application, it reloads the entire application. It is a negligible thing for the starters. But in real time scenarios, it does not work exactly. It increases the loading time of the application for every change and also causes the memory wastage. And finally decreases the performance of the website/ application. So we need an alternative to this problem. There comes to need of ReactJS

How ReactJS overcome the above the problem?

Unlike the situation explained above, whenever new data is loaded into the application, it reloads the data in that particular component only but not the entire application. So this ultimately saves the loading time and improves the user experience. Besides, since it reloads the data for that component only, it also saves the memory.

Since till now, we clearly understood the need and the definition of ReactJs, we will now move a bit further through its features

ReactJs features:

This React has Wonderful features. Let us discuss some of them


For the purpose of templating a design, the React uses JSX instead of Javascript. JSX is a simple Javascript that allows HTML quoting and uses HTML tag syntax to render the subcomponents.

React Native:

In 2015, Facebook has announced the react libraries, which provides a react architecture to native applications like UPD, IOS and Android.

Single Way-data Flow:

In React, a set of immutable objects were passed to components to renders as the properties in HTML tags. Here the components cannot directly modify any properties but can pass a callback function. This property is known as properties flow down and the action flows up.

Virtual document Object model:

React memory cache checks for the changes made and updates the browser for every change. Instead of rendering the whole page on each change, it renders only the changed components.

So likewise, there are many highlighting features of ReactJs. So get the real-time features from the real-time experts through ReactJS Online



Nanduri Balajee
Nanduri Balajee

Written by Nanduri Balajee

Iam a Technical Content writer having 4years of Industry experience. Till now, I have written 300+ articles and 6 tutorials

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